Friday, March 7, 2014

The Radio ♫♪♫

  Since the 1890's Radio has transformed the way we communicate and is one of the worlds greatest successes. By creating the radio we have found hundreds if not thousands of ways to use it in ways that we would have never imagined. According to the class lecture The United Fruit Company was one of the first to use the radio as we know it today, by broadcasting it over a large area in their corporation mainly for propaganda and music for the workers of Honduras. Although the radio was already being used, one could only listen in with headphones, this then motivated a genius named Edwin Armstrong to improve the Radio by inventing the regenerative circuit (radio amplifier) , and then went on to develop the FM radio, by making these two improvements the radio now could be heard across the room and could produce a much clearer sound than before, thus making this a brand new form of communication. The common uses of radio
 during earlier times were for communications and sending massages. Today, radio takes many forms which 
includes wireless networks as well as mobile communications of all kinds and also radio broadcasting. Commercial radio broadcasts includes news, music, dramas, comedies, variety shows and different other forms of entertainment. Now, many of the people use radio on an everyday basis, whether its for listening to music to know what are the latest songs and music groups, or getting the latest scores on ones favorite sport. This technology has not only improved are lives, but it has also made it easier for people who are constantly on-the-go.